Campus & Public Safety

The Department of Campus & 公共安全部门带头为每个工作的人创造一个安全可靠的环境, attends, or visits W&J College. 24 hours a day, 7 days, a week, 365 days a year, we are your partners in and guardians of public safety.

Safety is Our Priority

本着尊重、正直和公平的道德准则,澳门葡京博彩软件致力于支持W的更大使命&J学院,为你在这里的经历创造和维护一个安全的环境. As an integral part of the W&J College community, Campus & Public Safety staff, our sworn police officers, 澳门葡京博彩软件的保安人员提供服务,以维护校园内外每个人的安全. 你会看到澳门葡京博彩软件定期在校园巡逻,提供CPS护送,或者提供安全研讨会. 澳门葡京博彩软件还在校园内的无障碍位置维护紧急呼叫箱, install and monitor security cameras, 保持良好的场地和设施,并有足够的外观, street, and sidewalk lighting. We work with the Safety Committee to continuously review, design and implement the best practices and policies for our campus.

Policies and Services

W&J学院的政策和服务是以你的安全为首要任务,并以保护澳门葡京博彩软件的社区为目的. Services include a CPS Safety Escort Service, available all day, every day, regular campus patrols, safety seminars and workshops, and the regular inspection and maintenance of facilities.

Community Commitment

We all play a role in campus safety. 理解并遵守宾夕法尼亚州联邦和美国联邦的法律,保护自己和他人的安全&J College Student Code of Conduct, attending crime-prevention workshops and seminars on campus, using the CPS escort service, and, when necessary, 及时向校园部门报告犯罪和其他突发事件 & Public Safety.

Campus Visitors

澳门葡京博彩软件非常激动地欢迎客人来到澳门葡京博彩软件美丽的校园,希望你们能度过愉快的旅程! 协助校园和公共安全人员确保您的安全以及校园社区的安全, we ask that you complete this brief registration form prior to your arrival on campus. If you have any questions regarding the form, please reach out to us at

请注意,在此期间,客人不允许进入学生宿舍. 在流感大流行期间,只有那些工作被认为至关重要的客人才被允许进入校园.

CPS Escort Services

学生,教职员工可以通过CPS护送服务要求安全护送. In general, the CPS Escort Service is a walking service, though there are situations where you may request a ride.

On-campus escort walking services

当你在校园里从一个点到另一个点感到不舒服的时候, perhaps because you are walking alone or after dark, you can request a Safety Escort. 三人或三人以上的团体前往校园同一地点将提供步行陪同. While the on-campus escort service is intended to be a walking service, exceptions can be made if you are using crutches, in a medical boot or have a leg cast, or in a wheelchair.

Off-campus medical escorts

如果你需要交通工具去主校区五英里内的地方进行常规医疗服务, you can request an escort for travel to doctor's office appointments, emergency room visits, Med-Express visits, hospital visits for testing, or trips to a pharmacy. You must schedule escorts for these types of appointments in advance.


Safety escorts are not to be used for your routine transportation needs, for travel during inclement weather, or for travel to and from restaurants and bars, sports practices and games, shopping locations, and off-campus jobs.

Security Report

Commited to open and transparent communication, the Office of Campus & 公共安全部出版了《澳门博彩在线软件》(又称《澳门葡京博彩软件》),其中载有过去三年的统计数据.