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Washington & 澳门葡京博彩软件 Announces $50 Million Gift to Establish Endowed Scholarship Fund for Regional Students with Financial Need

创建:2023年10月11日|最后更新:2023年10月13日|类别:   |  Tagged: ,

华盛顿,宾夕法尼亚州(2023年10月11日)——华盛顿 & 杰佛逊学院&J) today announced it will receive a transformational gift of approximately $50 million to support student scholarships – the largest philanthropic donation to the College in its 242-year history and one of the largest ever to a liberal arts college in the United States.


这份慷慨的礼物是由安妮卡·唐南·罗恩斯利的遗产提供的&J的第一位女理事于1975年去世,并于2023年8月9日去世. The scholarship endowment bearing her name will provide need-based support to students from the 华盛顿县, PA, 地区的学生在W&J.

“Anica Rawnsley was a schoolteacher in her younger years and believed passionately in the life-changing power of education,” said W&约翰·C. Knapp. “她有一个大胆的愿景,让后代能够负担得起并受益于W&J education.”

President Knapp said the new scholarship fund will allow the College to invest millions of dollars annually in the people of its community and region. “It was a privilege to know Anica and her passion for providing students in this area with an education of exceptional quality at a cost within their families’ reach.”



她出生于1929年. 罗恩斯利在宾夕法尼亚州华盛顿长大,但没有上过华盛顿大学&在1970年变成男女同校之前,J大学一直是一所男校. She graduated instead from Goucher College and later earned a master’s degree in education from Bank Street College of Education. 然而,她对W&在她很小的时候,她的许多家庭成员都是W&J毕业生,包括她的父亲约翰H. Donnan (1900); her stepfather, H. Gilmore Schmidt (1930); her two grandfathers, John White Donnan (1866) and H.P. Chambers (1881); and two uncles, Alvan E. Donnan(1909)和Smith N. 惠特沃思(1911).

In 2003, W&J awarded Ms. 罗恩斯利获得了公共服务荣誉博士学位, 表彰她的社区领导和服务. 她在白宫工作了12年&J校董会, she carried on her family’s tradition of civic involvement by serving as president of the Southwestern Pennsylvania Easter Seal Society and as a director of the American Cancer Society and Friends of Citizens Library, 在其他组织中.

对华盛顿 & 澳门葡京博彩软件

Washington & 澳门葡京博彩软件, 位于华盛顿, Pennsylvania, 一所历史悠久的文理学院成立于1781年,重视道德领导吗, 专业准备和包容性社区. Our highly customized and intellectually engaging student experience develops professionals of uncommon integrity to lead in an ever-changing world. 欲了解更多关于W&J, visit pei.rmc-consultants.net或致电888-W-AND-JAY.